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Compliance Corylated’s powerful investigative journalism is supported by the Corlytics regulatory risk data platform ― referenced in the second word of our name. Part of the Corlytics family but always editorially independent, our writers and journalists enjoy unique access to comprehensive regulation libraries, horizon scanning capabilities and the latest analytics technologies. It’s a relationship that means that verified data and industry-leading insight will be a differentiating feature of the Compliance Corylated site.
John Byrne, CEO Corlytics with Rachel Wolcott and Lindsey Rogerson

About Corlytics

Corlytics excels at simplifying the implementation of regulations for their clients. They provide pace-setting technology solutions that Find, Interpret/Analyse and Implement regulations to the highest standard expected by regulators.

Their forensic analysis of regulatory data is provided by a skilled team of multidisciplinary industry professionals to meet today’s requirement to track regulatory texts, and tomorrow’s requirement to treat regulation as a risk.

Corlytics is a strategic regulatory partner to financial firms globally. We work with regulators, global banks, investment managers, big tech/payments, insurers, hedge funds and asset managers enabling them to adapt and enjoy the benefits of better control over regulatory obligations and regulatory change management.